Monday, July 2, 2012

Healthcare Reform and Changes for Nurses


Does healthcare reform affect nurses? Absolutely!
You see it in the news and everywhere you look right now.  Healthcare is changing so fast that we can't keep up.  It is wise for nurses to keep up to date with changes and be a voice in your local and state government to ensure that nurse's rights are protected. 

There are rumors flying around about all sorts of healthcare reform.  It is rumored that hospitals will be required to eat the bill if a patient develops a staph infection in the hospital, if wounds increase in size in the hospital, or if patients develop UTI's while having catheters in hospital.  We have included some articles for you to view that discuss some of these issues.  Please visit these articles and forward to colleagues.

This is also a great article to read about how nurses can have a voice in policies.  We encourage all nurses to get involved. Follow the link below.

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