Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Nursing Student's Prayer

Thank you Lord, for helping me through
The hours of study and training I'll do.
Give me a keen mind and healthy body, too,
So a nurse's career I can pursue.

Thank you for placing in my heart
Compassion for other to impart.
May my hand be instruments of love
As I seek your wisdom from above.

Guard my thoughts and my tongue,
So words of encouragement are sung.
Give me strength wherever you lead
As I lean on you for my every need.

May nursing never be just a job that I do,
So lives I touch will be a ministry from you.
Help me submit to the Great Physician's commands,
As I remember life and death are in your hands.

And through it all, may I learn and grow,
For these lessons of life I need to know.
Lord help me be persevering too,
And give me courage as only you can do.

Lord, please keep me from all harm
For I know I'm safe in your sheltering arm.
And Lord how I pray you and others will see,
The kind of nurse you'd have me to be.
Janyce C. Randall

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