Tuesday, June 19, 2012

New Grad Nurse Panic

While in nursing school I just couldn't wait to graduate, then graduation was finally nearing and I distinctly remember feeling panic setting in. What! Graduating? I can't graduate! I don't know anything!

I am here to tell you, everyone feels this way. The truth is you learn the basics in nursing school, however, you don't really learn until you start your first job and you are actually taking care of patients. You cannot possibly put together what COPD looks like from a book, you have to see it. Once you see many of the things you will encounter as a nurse, you will not forget it. You will recognize it immediately the next time you see it. Do not feel overwhelmed (easy for me to say, right?). Take each day in stride and put those fears and anxiety's aside. This will assure that you can learn as much as possible each day during your job orientation.

Check out this site http://www.nursetogether.com/Lifestyle/Lifestyle-Article/itemId/2663/6-Tips-on-Stress-and-Anxiety-Management-in-Nursing.aspx for 6 Tips on Stress and Anxiety Management in Nursing.

Another great article is at http://www.healthyplace.com/anxiety-panic/articles/anxiety-and-work/ . Article excerpt, "Her initial observation was that the work of nursing is itself exceptionally anxiety-producing. Nurses work with people who are ill or dying. Wrong decisions can have devastating consequences. Nurses must respond to the distressed family of the patient. Many tasks are distasteful or repulsive."

****To be a nurse you must be prepared and open to a career long learning experience.****

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