Tuesday, June 19, 2012

A Creative Way to Avoid Nursing Burnout by Keeping a Journal

Does this look familiar? Keeping a journal about your favorite nursing experiences can be a fun technique for stress management before your shift begins to get you started off on the right foot!

Why keep a journal? Because regardless of how horrible a day in the world of nursing can be there are those certain patients and experiences that make it worth the while and keep you coming back for more. The key is to remember those patients and experiences and keep them fresh in your mind. This can help to avoid the feeling of dread before a shift and help you to go in SMILING so that you rub off on your environment and peers and give better patient care.

Here is the idea:
Designate a place to record your journals. Keep it in a place that is handy to you before and/or after your shift. When you have an experience during your shift with a patient, coworker, etc. that is heartwarming or simply just makes you laugh out loud (LOL) jot it down. Once you get a steady flow of heartwarming and hilarious journals going keep this journal with you where you can read it when you need to. This can be just before you go into a shift, during your shift, on your breaks, or after your shift- or just WHENEVER YOU FEEL BURNOUT.

Instant SMILE guaranteed. It may not last your whole shift but it will get you started on the right foot. Spread the word to your peers about this idea and encourage each other to share stories and experiences and journal them. You will be amazed at the difference you can make in a 12 hour nursing shift.

Good luck and happy journaling! For more tips on journaling visit journalforyou.com.

For other tips on how to manage and deal with nursing burnout visit

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